Tom Ripley, portrayed by Andrew Scott in Netflix’s adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novels, is a character shrouded in mystery and complexity. Unlike the elegant backdrop of Italy, Tom exudes a sense of austerity and a murderous desire to thrive in his surroundings. However, despite his amateurish con artist ways, his unwavering devotion to the con is evident through his tedious crimes and growing body count.
Writer-creator-director Steven Zaillian has crafted a unique offering for the binge-watching era with Ripley. The series features long, indulgent shots rendered in black-and-white that frame Tom Ripley’s character in a different light. While he may not be a seasoned con artist, his determination to puncture the affluent yet sleepy world he both resents and craves is captivating.
Initially envisioned as a multi-season project by Showtime, Ripley’s future took a different turn when it transitioned ownership to Netflix. The streaming platform is marketing the show as a limited series, hinting at no immediate plans for a continuation beyond the first eight-episode season. While this decision may disappoint fans, there is still hope for a future revival.
Despite being primarily based on the first book, “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” the series leaves room for untapped storylines from the rest of Highsmith’s Ripley novels. This opens up the possibility of a second season exploring new avenues and delving deeper into Tom Ripley’s twisted world. Additionally, successful limited series have a history of evolving into multi-chapter projects based on critical acclaim and viewership.
While the possibility of a second season exists, it remains unclear if Steven Zaillian would be interested in revisiting Ripley in such a format. Andrew Scott, on the other hand, believes in the show’s potential to attract a loyal audience that could persuade Netflix to invest in future seasons. The ball is in the court of the creators and the viewers to determine the fate of Ripley as a series.
Ripley presents a captivating character study wrapped in a compelling storyline that keeps viewers guessing. Whether the series will continue beyond its initial season remains uncertain, but the potential for further exploration of Tom Ripley’s world leaves room for excitement and anticipation.
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